Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Common Sense and its history

I followed the logic and some of the format of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" a catalyst to the American Revolution. I chose this because the truths within it are pertinent to our current situation. The fight for freedom is the same fight our Founding Fathers fought and we must continue it so that we may hand our children their liberty untarnished.

There are so many things we as Americans have forgotten while the economy was "good". We have begun to believe that ease and prosperity is the "American Dream". We have been wrong. The American Dream is INDEPENDENCE. Have we forgotten what independence means?
Independence is the right to thrive or fail according to your own merits and choices.

But what happens when our collective risky investments and bad planning/choices lead us to economic downturn, even a depression? Should the government try to take control of the system so we don't have to feel the consequence? To do this would take away our independence, just so we don't have to go through any hardship or a depression?

Some may claim that taking away our liberty is for our "protection", but it cannot be for our protection or our good to take away our independence. This is the same fight our founding fathers fought when England claimed they were giving protection while robbing basic human rights. We all know the story of the Boston Tea party. It was about more than just taxation without representation. England was forcing Americans to grow tea even though it did not grow well, then Americans were forced to buy the Tea they produced from England at exorbitant prices. This is like the stimulus in that the government is telling us that we are not capable of producing the right things, so they create a stimulus package that tells us what we should be producing. Then they force us to pay for it with taxes plus interest. But the highest prices they ask for a this sense of security is our Independence and liberty. You cannot control the economy without controlling people. England promised protection yet robbed colonials of the freedom they were supposed to protect. This is what the government is doing now, robbing us of our inalienable right to PURSUE happiness. Remember just the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed not happiness, or possessions, not home-ownership, or economic ease. It is Freedom to Rise or Fail according to our own merits.

The auto companies are failing to produce what we really want, cleaner, more economical, fuel efficient, green cars. Now they are failing. But the government steps in and says we can't let them fail and learn from their lessons, that might hurt people. So instead we will make you support the auto companies that you would NOT voluntarily support, because we (government) knows better than you. Because government assumes they are more moral than us. It is true some people might lose their jobs during the turn over of the auto industries, but they will be picked back up as someone comes in and makes better cars. They will move into other industries that have room for improvement, and innovation starts to abound with a free system. It is only to support the governments own agenda's just like Tea supported England's agenda. Consider this, every gallon of gas you buy the government takes $0.50 if there were more efficient cars or even gasoline free cars the government would be out the taxes. But even without taking that into consideration why should we give up freedom because it might be hard. Liberty was worth dieing for to our founding fathers.

I may lose my job, or the stock market may crash, my company might fail but it is only Me that is Responsible to prepare. If I did not prepare for a rainy day, why should someone else pay for my umbrella last minute? If we don't allow the freedom of failure we will punish everyone.
  1. It will punish the failures because they will never learn to be independent of the system and Free. They will never learn from their mistakes and so they will make more. This will happen until eventually they will be so stupid and incapable of choosing that they will just hand their lives completely over to the government and say "here you can do this better than me". Is this the kind of life we wish to lead? Trading our freedom and independence because it is easier to be slaves to a system?
  2. It will punish those who prepared because they will be stuck footing the bill for those who did not prepare. Then they will begin to wonder why even bother working so hard to prepare if they get slapped down to the same point as those who never did anything. They will not work as hard and start wanting handouts too. They will eventually give away their independence, liberty, and freedom to the governmental system (a few elite members of society that get to decide for everyone what is right for themselves)

Liberty and independence is the price for economic ease. Only the uneducated and slothful would trust a government more than themselves with their independence and ask them to fix the economy. This is Common Sense.

For those few uneducated who think a government that is run like this would actually work in the interests of the people, this is a ludicrous assumption. Even if we were to find perfect Angels in government that wanted only the best for society:
  1. Society and the Economy are such complex systems it is impossible for a few people to understand it perfectly and run it perfectly
  2. What is in one person's interest is not in another person's interest. Those in government would decide which group they thought was right and the rest would have to suffer and support those that the few elites decided were right
  3. Absolute power corrupts absolutely: even if you had a perfect group of government officials that would work in the interest of the whole, what happens when the power transfers. Even if you let them have life-terms, they would die and someone else would come in, how can you promise that all people in government will be angels, and stay angels?
  4. They would only be able to appease the median group of people and the rest would suffer. The only way to ensure individual liberty is to allow individual liberty.
  5. So much power in one government would be an invitation for power hungry people, who could lie to get position.
  6. So much power in one government would also be an invitation for a coupe and complete domination over a people so subject to government.

I would like to own a home, but not one that cost my independence and liberty. It would be wicked for me to ask for a home that was bought at the expense another person's liberty. Are we so shallow and covetous that we would rob or "redistribute" the goods of others so we can have more? Things are of less value than freedom! "Give me liberty or give me death!"

It is common sense that freedom is the only right way. It is what our founding fathers called "the last best hope". Every other system has been tried before, but they always fail because they always deny the inalienable right to Liberty. Capitalism is not selfish, it honors freedom. It assumes that most American's are good. It assumes that most will take care of their neighbors and don't need the government to force them to take care of them. It requires us to do good and be honest with ourselves and make educated decisions. We have not collectively done this, and so we are coming to a time of accountability. Where the market holds us accountable and makes us fix the social errors we have allowed to exist because of ease and prosperity. Prosperity is a very dangerous thing if we take it for granted. We must take this economic downturn to re-evaluate our choices. To cut down and not buy such a big home. To Value our freedom more than our ease, stuff, and prosperity.

Give me liberty or give me death!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Freedom: The Last Best Hope

This is how any Freedom loving person should respond to the stimulus. This is how Reagan would have responded to the stimulus! Watch the whole thing!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heritage foundation link

The Heritage foundation has good facts and information on the free-market system. This is a great resource for anyone interested in why the stimulus is bad for the economy. If you are wondering what this stimulus would do there are a variety of links here that explain what is happening and will happen with bailouts. The bailout for automakers is a good to read to be educated on what is happening.
For simple one page explanations of stimulus effects this is another great link.

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to organize the Tea Party your state

  1. Contact your governor's office and find out their stand on the issue.
  2. Find out your state legislator's stand on the issue
  3. Organize with those against the stimulus package, use them as a resource
  4. Call, e-mail, text message, twitter, blog everyone you know.
  5. Set up a blog with simple time and place information
  6. Get a commitment from those you know, encourage carpooling etc.
  7. Leave a comment on this Blog and anything else about what you are doing to organize.
  8. Network, network, network.

Milton Friedman on Freedom and Free Markets

Milton Friedman on Greed
Milton Friedman on Responsibility

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fear factor

Some would like to scare us into giving up our freedom by telling us that our economy "may never recover" if the government doesn't do something for us. They try to make the mass of uneducated people that want a handout follow them based on fear, frenzy and lack of education. An example of this is the planting of Henrietta in a press conference with the president while he was campaigning his stimulus.
These same people try and make those of us who don't like this stimulus feel like the minority. They play on the fact that we don't know exactly what to do and are largely unorganized. But we must all do what we can to make our voices heard. Post a comment on this blog if you are wondering what you can do, in the mean time here are a few things you can do:
1. Start networking and e-mailing to people you know.
a. Educate yourself and others by finding and sending links
b. Get their ideas
c. Write your senators and congressmen then send these links to your friends
d. Send them to this site and others sites that teach
2. Don't rely on government: We the people are the Check on government Do something!

The American Dream

The American dream is not about stuff or even home ownership. Our founding fathers died for our INDEPENDENCE. We have had a season of ease and prosperity. In this time we have forgotten what America is about. It is not about "Progress". It is basic. We can thrive or fail according to our own merits.
The Problem with any stimulus is not about pork or special interests. The problem with the stimulus is not necessarily whether it would work or not. Even if it did work (which it will NOT) I would not want to have anything to do with it. I would not accept it because it undermines our very independence. When individuals lose their independence soon will follow liberty.
You see, independence and liberty are inseparable yet different. Independence for individuals means we have the right to thrive or fail according to our own merits. If we become dependent on any government, system or person they dictate to us what we must do to remain taking support. Eventually they make it so that we must remain taking their support so they can stay in power, thus we become slaves and loose our liberty. Our founding fathers experienced this in many ways with England. That is why they formed the Tea Party. They experienced it with indentured servitude that became the same thing as slavery (since the "servants" owed so much to the master that they had to do what the master said).
We should trust ourselves with our freedom, even in economy. We should not hand that freedom over to a few government officials because we are afraid. We should not hand that freedom over because we made some mistakes that we are not willing to pay the price for and learn from. We should not hand our liberty over because it is our childrens' liberty we are messing with also.
Yes, the stimulus systems are set up to take away our independence and thus our liberty. Intentionally or unintentionally it does not matter. Freedom is the higher law in this debate. Independence, Liberty, Responsibility and accountability are what this is about. We should not be afraid of hard times. We should not sell our freedom in order to try and dodge the hard times, that will only make us weaker for the next blow, and more likely to give our freedom away.
We are Americans! We can do this without government intervention. We must do this without government intervention.
Our homes and property is worthless if we are not independent and free. As one of the great fathers of our country Patrick Henry said: "give me liberty or give me death!"

V. Putin warns against stimulus

Even Russia knows where U.S. is headed with this stimulus. Putin is less socialist than Obama? Not only do we KNOW it WON'T work, but we know it TAKES away FREEDOM. Who are we to decide what freedoms our children should or should not have in economy. It is a slippery slope, first we say the government knows better than the people about economics. They tell us the "system" isn't working. The system is Freedom, it is working, it is punishing us for our loss of belief in the American Dream. The American Dream that our founding fathers died for is "INDEPENDENCE" not a big house and a sense of security.

Stimulus = Inflation

"There's plenty more where this came from."

Why don't we question where it is really coming from? who will pay for it? what the will cost be?

Riots on the Trading Floor

Chicago Tea party. We are not the only people with these views.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

common sense

There are so many things we as Americans have forgotten while the economy was "good". We have begun to believe that ease and prosperity is the "American Dream". We have been wrong. The American Dream is INDEPENDENCE. Have we forgotten what independence means?
Independence is the right to thrive or fail according to your own merits and choices.

But what happens when our collective risky investments and bad planning/choices lead us to economic downturn, even a depression? Should the government try to take control of the system so we don't have to feel the consequence? To do this would take away our independence, just so we don't have to go through any hardship or a depression?

Some may claim that taking away our liberty is for our "protection", but it cannot be for our protection or our good to take away our independence. This is the same fight our founding fathers fought when England claimed they were giving protection while robbing basic human rights. We all know the story of the Boston Tea party. It was about more than just taxation without representation. England was forcing Americans to grow tea even though it did not grow well, then Americans were forced to buy the Tea they produced from England at exorbitant prices. This is like the stimulus in that the government is telling us that we are not capable of producing the right things, so they create a stimulus package that tells us what we should be producing. Then they force us to pay for it with taxes plus interest. But the highest prices they ask for a this sense of security is our Independence and liberty. You cannot control the economy without controlling people. England promised protection yet robbed colonials of the freedom they were supposed to protect. This is what the government is doing now, robbing us of our inalienable right to PURSUE happiness. Remember just the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed not happiness, or possessions, not home-ownership, or economic ease. It is Freedom to Rise or Fail according to our own merits.

The auto companies are failing to produce what we really want, cleaner, more economical, fuel efficient, green cars. Now they are failing. But the government steps in and says we can't let them fail and learn from their lessons, that might hurt people. So instead we will make you support the auto companies that you would NOT voluntarily support, because we (government) knows better than you. Because government assumes they are more moral than us. It is true some people might lose their jobs during the turn over of the auto industries, but they will be picked back up as someone comes in and makes better cars. They will move into other industries that have room for improvement, and innovation starts to abound with a free system. It is only to support the governments own agenda's just like Tea supported England's agenda. Consider this, every gallon of gas you buy the government takes $0.50 if there were more efficient cars or even gasoline free cars the government would be out the taxes. But even without taking that into consideration why should we give up freedom because it might be hard. Liberty was worth dieing for to our founding fathers.

I may lose my job, or the stock market may crash, my company might fail but it is only Me that is Responsible to prepare. If I did not prepare for a rainy day, why should someone else pay for my umbrella last minute? If we don't allow the freedom of failure we will punish everyone.
  1. It will punish the failures because they will never learn to be independent of the system and Free. They will never learn from their mistakes and so they will make more. This will happen until eventually they will be so stupid and incapable of choosing that they will just hand their lives completely over to the government and say "here you can do this better than me". Is this the kind of life we wish to lead? Trading our freedom and independence because it is easier to be slaves to a system?
  2. It will punish those who prepared because they will be stuck footing the bill for those who did not prepare. Then they will begin to wonder why even bother working so hard to prepare if they get slapped down to the same point as those who never did anything. They will not work as hard and start wanting handouts too. They will eventually give away their independence, liberty, and freedom to the governmental system (a few elite members of society that get to decide for everyone what is right for themselves)

Liberty and independence is the price for economic ease. Only the uneducated and slothful would trust a government more than themselves with their independence and ask them to fix the economy. This is Common Sense.

For those few uneducated who think a government that is run like this would actually work in the interests of the people, this is a ludicrous assumption. Even if we were to find perfect Angels in government that wanted only the best for society:
  1. Society and the Economy are such complex systems it is impossible for a few people to understand it perfectly and run it perfectly
  2. What is in one person's interest is not in another person's interest. Those in government would decide which group they thought was right and the rest would have to suffer and support those that the few elites decided were right
  3. Absolute power corrupts absolutely: even if you had a perfect group of government officials that would work in the interest of the whole, what happens when the power transfers. Even if you let them have life-terms, they would die and someone else would come in, how can you promise that all people in government will be angels, and stay angels?
  4. They would only be able to appease the median group of people and the rest would suffer. The only way to ensure individual liberty is to allow individual liberty.
  5. So much power in one government would be an invitation for power hungry people, who could lie to get position.
  6. So much power in one government would also be an invitation for a coupe and complete domination over a people so subject to government.

I would like to own a home, but not one that cost my independence and liberty. It would be wicked for me to ask for a home that was bought at the expense another person's liberty. Are we so shallow and covetous that we would rob or "redistribute" the goods of others so we can have more? Things are of less value than freedom! "Give me liberty or give me death!"

It is common sense that freedom is the only right way. It is what our founding fathers called "the last best hope". Every other system has been tried before, but they always fail because they always deny the inalienable right to Liberty. Capitalism is not selfish, it honors freedom. It assumes that most American's are good. It assumes that most will take care of their neighbors and don't need the government to force them to take care of them. It requires us to do good and be honest with ourselves and make educated decisions. We have not collectively done this, and so we are coming to a time of accountability. Where the market holds us accountable and makes us fix the social errors we have allowed to exist because of ease and prosperity. Prosperity is a very dangerous thing if we take it for granted. We must take this economic downturn to re-evaluate our choices. To cut down and not buy such a big home. To Value our freedom more than our ease, stuff, and prosperity.

Give me liberty or give me death!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Free Market Economy

The only way to keep an economy working in the interests of the people is to keep it being run by the people. If the government takes control of the economy, it will be in the interest of those running the government. If we give those in government too much power, we will create something other than a free country.

There is no "New Economy." There are only two kinds of economy: Free-market, for and by the people, and Monarchy, interested in those in power. Some may claim that Socialism is another kind of government that is for the people. But Socialism can never be for the people because it gives all the power to the government and those in authority. Those in authority then use that power for their own interests and keep the people under subjection. Even in the rare occasion that a socialist elected into power tries to work in the interest of the people, they would fail for several reasons:
  1. No one person can know what is best for the whole.
  2. The economic system is too complex for one person to experiment with.
  3. Experimentation by one person trying to work in the interests of the whole is wrong, because experimentation on the whole is not in their interests.
  4. Giving the government too much power makes it an open target for power hungry people to come in. It is an open invitation for tyranny.
  5. Anyone hot-headed enough to think they know better than the people would easily forget the interests of those people.
  6. Socialism would take away the natural consequences of our bad actions, making it impossible for us to learn from them.
  7. The natural consequences in a free system are the most efficient teachers of morals.

The Socialist, Communist, Monarchy, and other systems have failed the people since the world began, and they will continue to do so. Because the only government FOR the PEOPLE is BY the PEOPLE, and is Freedom promoting because it encourages Consequences. There is no "new-economic order"; it is the same old lie it has always been.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Write Nancy Pelosi ask for more time before vote

It's easy to write. Just tell her you want the congress to have time to read a bill that effects our economy so much. According to this administration there would be at least 48 hours for the public to read bills before they were voted on, this bill has not even been seen by the senate yet. Yet, leaks are coming out that lobbyists have it?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Congressional Budget Office

Economists, bipartisan congressional budget office, and common sense say that the stimulus package will hurt. Americans are voicing out against the stimulus, and yet we are ignored. But if we keep speaking, we will be heard. Just keep speaking.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Being accountable

We have had a long and prosperous time the last 10 or more years. Because we got used to this we forgot to ever prepare for a time when things weren't ideal. So, we extended our credit. We want things now and plan to pay for them latter. The problem with that is we can't foresee the future. We don't know if we are going to get laid off, have unexpected illnesses, have a tragedy and so forth. But since we couldn't predict everything, we didn't plan for anything. If you get too many people doing this, it kind of dominoes. If I can't pay my lenders, then they can't pay their lenders, and thus the domino.

Now we are in a recession and the market has to cut the fat. If we just get another loan out (stimulus from the government) we are only extending our credit and building up for a larger crash.

It all comes down to being personally responsible. If we aren't we will make the problem worse. If the government jumps in and tries to take the accountability away, we can't learn from our mistakes. We won't create a product that society needs, we will keep creating the ones they rejected.

Our founding fathers never promised ease, homes, and pay checks they promised Freedom. The right to learn from our failures. The right to pick up and do better.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Opposing 'Stimulus' -- Hundreds of Economists

Graph Taking Apart the $819 Billion Dollar Stimulus

This graph gives a breakdown of where every bit of the $819 Billion Dollar "Stimulus" is going. Completely ridiculous! Here's the Digg address - please "Digg it" so we can all get this on the front page of Digg: